
Send emails with attachment, from the command line, using the default email client

How to send email with attachments in a way programmed and automated by using the default e-mail client software whatever it is (Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, etc.).?

Essentially there is the need to have a system to compose an email message containing: sender, recipient, title, subject and attachment files and to automatically open the default email client with the message pre-compiled so that the user has to carry only sending.
There are at least a couple of methods:

You can use the command mailto with the attachment parameter:
From a command prompt (click Start | Run, then type cmd and press enter) you can launch the default email client through a mailto hyperlink.
Please note that NOT all Email Clients support the parameter for attachments (such as Thunderbird does not accept it).

"Programmatically send emails with attachments using the default email client"
You can use the tool SendToVB, a small free command line utility software that allows you to send email with attachments by a programmed way using the default email client! 
SendToVb is compatible with ALL Client (Thunderbird included). Here is the screen that summarizes the commands and options available:
SendToVB command and options available

You can use the software with Windows command prompt.
The syntax is simple:
SendToVB -files <attachment file1> -body <text of mail> -to <email address> -subject <content>

SendToVB -file c:\readme.txt -body "Hello here the document for you" -to marc@example.com -subject "Important"

The commands (flags) are:
-files <file1>... <fileN> with which you can send multiple attachments in the same email.
-body <text> which is part of the body of the message enclosed in double quotes (").
-bodytext <bofyfile.txt> that can be used as an alternative to -body when the email must contain a very long message. It allows you to specify the text file that contains the body of the email.
-to <address1>; <address2> with which you can also specify multiple recipients separated by a semicolon (;)
-cc <address1>; <address2> with which one can point in Carbon Copy also multiple recipients separated by a semicolon (;)
-bcc <address1>; <address2> with which one can point in Blind Carbon Copy  even multiple recipients separated by a semicolon (;)
-subject <text> with which you assign the title of the email
-mailto with which to force SendToVB to use the mailto method (instead of the MAPI functions) but that may not work properly when inserting attachments!
All commands (flags) can be abbreviated with the first letter, eg -subject becomes -s

In addition, for those who experience problems with too many parameters and receive the message "command line too long" you can use a second method:

-list <listfile.txt> indicates where the text file that contains a single line with all specified commands to be used for sending mail

SendToVb automatically open your Default Email Client (for example Thunderbird) and compose the email like in Window.

Notes for software developers:

a. Since SendToVB is a small stand-alone tool, it can also be used by third-party software to automate the procedures for sending mail. A hypothetical third-party software written in Visual Basic. NET or C# might contain within it a line of code that calls a shell command within the SendToVB.

For example:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("SendToVB -to you@example.com -file C:\readme.txt");

b. SendToVB is coded in Visual Basic 2005 and requires the installation of .NET Framework 2.0 runtime which is often already installed on new PCs. Internally it automatically uses MAPI functions when it has to send emails with attachments, and use the command mailto to send email without attachments.

Notes from the Author:

Version 1.2 - Added -cc and -bcc parameters
Version 1.1 - The First !

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E-Virus (Part III): I have a PC infected! Now as I clean it?

After confirming the presence of one or more e-virus on your PC,

... you should read up as much as possible about the characteristics of those viruses that are present (mode of distribution, payload, removal instructions). If you know your enemy it's easier to defeat him! 

In fact, if you know the name of the virus and how it is dangerous, it is possible to find a specific removal tool freely available from software companies like: Symantec, Kaspersky, McAfee, TrendMicro, etc.. 
For example, there are removal tools for the most common viruses such as: Melissa , Bagle , MyDoom, Sasser , Conficker, Zeus, etc.. 

Otherwise, you can use tools to remove general (broad spectrum) such as:
Obviously you can increase the benefits of these products by performing sequentially scanning of the PC by the use of different tools. 

Sometimes however, you might need to do multiple scans with different products but you can not install too many anti-virus simultaneously on the same PC due to speed and compatibility issues. Besides, the sequential installation and removal of different antivirus is a costly and long process, but you can avoid this using free online tools for virus scan and removal offered by some software companies (the only constraint is need to be online to scan).
Here there are some examples of online malware removal tools:
Of course, all these operations are feasible if the virus has not completely compromised  the access to your PC.

If you can't start the operating system then you can use antivirus software from a CD or bootable USB key (Rescue CD). These systems are typically available as .ISO images and you must create a CD / DVD or install it on bootable USB sticks, so you can operate apart from the operating system (Windows / Linux) that is installed on the infected PC . You have only to carefully verify that the BIOS first boot device is selected to the CD or USB external drive.
Some available tools are:
9) COMODO Rescue Disk CD
Once you start the CD you can scan the hard drive and require the deletion / correction of the infected files.

I have often used some of these tools along with excellent results. In particular ComboFix has been decisive with the most "insidious" viruses
Regarding the now infamous "worm" Conficker - Downadup, I can indicate the presence of specific free removal tools from almost all antivirus manufacturers. Among these however Bitdefender provides also a free removal tool that works on the whole LAN and not only on the individual PC ( Network Downadup Removal Tool ). 
Sometimes even after the virus removal, the operating system is "unstable" because it is partly damaged by the virus itself. In these cases a viable technique, apart from the total re-installation of the O.S., is to go back the System Restore a few days before the virus infection (feature available from Windows XP ).


E-Virus (Part II): Maybe your PC is infected by an e-virus... how to verify its presence?

Depending upon the operation level of the PC you can work in various ways:

A) You can start the PC and enter your username and password.
In this case you can use some tools:

1) Using the free tool GMER you can both see if a rootkit is present, and disable or remove the indicted service / process (E-virus) from the memory and from the next boot starting process. To recognize the services / processes infected by E-viruses might be useful to look for files with very odd names (eg: rytrewxz.dll). GMER usually marks them in red and / or specifies the (*** hidden ***) attribute which means "file hidden to the user." In case that the message: "WARNING! GMER has found system modification, Which Might Have Been Caused by ROOTKIT activity. Do you want to fully scan your system? " appears, it is evident that GMER has identified a rootkit in the system and ask to start the full scan of your PC.

2) If you simultaneously press the keys CTRL + ALT + DEL and access to the Windows Task Manager you can see all the processes active in the PC memory and identify those that have random names such as those cited in case (1), possibly you can kill ("terminate") them, by temporarily removing them  from the memory.

3) Using the free tool McAfee Stinger you can identify and remove the most common e-VIRUSES. This is an automatic procedure since the tool detects both infections in place (memory files), and infected tracks and files in the analyzed hard drive. The tool shows which kind of many "problems" it could identify and provides eith their eradication.

4) Using the free tool Prevx you can identify both a rootkit either that kind of insidious virus that is installed in the MBR (Master Boot Record) of the hard disk. The free version detects and lists all the E-viruses present in the system but it does not eliminate them. However, it may be useful to detect the name of E-virus that infected your PC or the kind of epidemic in progress.

5) The free service OpenDNS for malware detection is totally automatic. When it detects a suspicious activity, the message  "Malware / Botnet Activity Detected" appears on the control panel of OpenDNS

6) Using the free software "Bitdefender 60-Second Virus Scanner" that precisely in 60 seconds performs a scan of your PC to check for viruses in memory or in "sensitive" areas of the Operating System. It uses cloud technology so you need an internet connection. 

B) If it is NOT possible to boot the system. 
In this case we can use some of the tools described in the following study; 
E-Virus (Part III): I have a PC infected! Now as I clean it?

E-Virus (part I) How to recognize the symptoms of a E-FLU or if your PC has got an E-VIRUS?


FreeNAS - How to create a network drive free

FreeNAS is a free Linux distribution (specifically is FreeBSD) with which you can transform an old PC into a network drive. For the numerous security features available to you this is more properly a Network Attached Storage (NAS) so it can be used in business.

FreeNAS supports the following file systems NTFS (using NTFS-3G), Ext2, Ext3, ZFS, FAT16, FAT32, UFS and UFS2. Are possible installations with iSCSI and RAID.
The advantage you have with this distribution (in addition to giving a second life to older PCs) is the ease of expansion of hardware features. For example, you can easily increase the capacity of the disks (by adding new hard disk on your PC) or speed of access to the LAN (replacing the 100 Mbit network card with a 1000-Mbit or more), or simply the ease of maintenance (if something fails it is easy to replace it, as they are all standard components and cheap).
Currently the version 8 is coming out. That promises further improvements! As soon as possible I will try to test it!

For years I use different PCs with different configurations transformed into FreeNAS, never having encountered any particular problems (in versions 6 and 7). In some cases they are "virtualized" or are virtual PCs (VMware FreeNAS).

See also: NAS4Free: the heir of FreeNAS 0.7, an Open Source Network Disk

STICKIES: notes and colors on desktop

Stickies is a free utility with which you can write reminders on your desktop (the equivalent of colored slip of paper and sticky going to attack anywhere).

Among the notable features the ability to point out: 
1) use different colors for each "package". 
2) use different fonts, sizes, font styles. 
3) store, discard, retrieve, export the package. 
4) include an alarm reminder to show only when appropriate.
5) insert images. 
6) customize the "themes" or "skin" of the leaflets. 

But the feature I like best is the ability to send reminders to other users connected to the same LANFrom the book of STIKIES you can choose to which and to how many users send reminders (with confirmation of receipt).Also you can update in real time the shared address book for all users stickies on the internal network. This enables some scenarios in companies with very large offices or arranged on different floors. For example: "I remember a meeting with my colleague in an office which is 3 floors below me and that is currently busy on the phone? Well then I send him a reminder using stickies!" 
Another feature allows you to send reminders by email

Update: 17-10-2014: Stickies version 8.0b add these new features:

  • Images can be inserted into text stickies
  • Stacks for desktop stickies
  • Friendly name hyperlinks
  • Periodic automatic full backups
  • Properties dialog added for all stickies in all categories
  • Screen grab directly to an image sticky
  • Skin browser dialog
  • Stored sticky category icons
  • Image undo levels can be configured
  • Restore from backup
  • 'Solo' a sticky to work with just that one
  • Option to offset screen position of new stickies to prevent overlap
  • New image editing operations: rotate, greyscale, invert, flip, mirror, border, blur, jitter, flood fill, border
  • Configurable tab stops
  • Feature to move data file location
  • Save image stickies as JPG
  • Show recurring parent
  • Default note content files for text and image notes

[LINK] Stickies

I use this software since version 5 (now we are at 7.1a), I'm excited and I think it useful to write reminders for myself and for other office users.
In one company than I knowm it is used "heavy" side by side with the utility "sticky server" that manages the shared address book for all users on the LAN.

OpenDNS - Replacement for improving DNS performance and security

OpenDNS is a free site that provides its own DNS (Domain Name Services) for resolving Internet names into IP addresses. 

The advantages are: 
1) Provides a faster navigation of Web sites. 
2) Identify fraudulent websites (phishing) and allows you to surf the Web safely. 
3) Corrects typos of Web sites identifying the correct site that you would like to visit. 

The operation to perform, to access the service, is to replace the primary and secondary DNS provided by your Internet provider with those of OpenDNS: 
1° DNS =
2° DNS =
In addition, by registering on the site and adding its own static IP address to the control panel you can perform additional tasks such as: 
4) to receive daily statistics on sites visited or the amount of traffic generated. 
5) receive reports on malware in your PC network (when the E-virus visit suspicious sites on the control panel appears written Malware / Botnet Activity Detected). 
6) prevent access to specific sites or categories of sites (such as games, social networking, sites for adults) by adopting the so-called "parental control". 

OpenDNS is also suitable for companies or in places where there is a LAN with many PCs that access the Internet through a single connection. In this case it is better to configure your Internet router (and not the individual PC) by entering the DNS of OpenDNS
For those who use Zeroshell as a router, here is the page explaining the steps to follow: http://www.zeroshell.net/opendns/ 
There is also a paid version that provides more advanced services and features. You can also install software to use OpenDNS even if you do not have a static IP address (such as happens to those who use not permanently internet connections).

I found this service very useful in business in order to prevent user access to entire categories of websites that are NOT of STRICTLY BUSINESS interest. In addition, the function of malware signaling was useful to discover the presence of viruses that even the antivirus on the PC were not able to find out! 

Zeroshell: an Italian Router - Firewall - Bridge

Zeroshell is an Italian free Linux distribution that can be installed on a standard PC and that provides the main network services a LAN normally requires (routers, bridges, Firewall, VPN, HTTP proxy, captive portal, etc..)

It is available in Live CD or Compact Flash image and you can configure and administer it via a web browser.
Anyone with a little familiarity with such hardware can reuse an old obsolete PC and turn it into the router (all at no cost!).

Among the many features provided by this tool I found very interesting:
1) The Net Balancer that can operate in two modes a) "Load Balancing and Failover" where the requests for access to the Internet are balanced automatically and in proportion to the weight of each gateway and, in the event of failure of one gateway, this is excluded from the Automatic balance  b) "Failover" only one link is active at a time (the one with highest weight among those who are not in the state of Fault). The others are in the state of Spare, ready to attend in case of interruption of the active link.

2) the Virtual Private Network (LAN-to-LAN),  the ability to create links encrypted (permanent and automatic) over networks points that are geographically dispersed (using Internet).


January 18, 2018SNORT - IDS / IPS can be installed from Zeroshell 3.7.1 allowing to identify and block attacks from outside to the LAN.
29 December 2017The new Zeroshell 3.8.2 for X86 / X86_64 and ARM contains the latest versions of OpenVPN and nDPI, improved hardware recognition and other Bug Fixes.
December 14th 2017An image of Zeroshell 3.8.1A for Orange Pi PC Plus has been released. This model is more convenient than the Orange Pi PC because in addition to having in addition a working Wi-Fi module both as Client and Access Point, it also has a Flash memory Integrated MMC which allows Zeroshell to be installed when it is not necessary to use a MicroSD.
November 16th 2017An image of Zeroshell 3.8.1A for Orange Pi R1 has been released. This small and economical Quad Core device has two 10/100 Ethernet interfaces and a Wi-Fi module that works both as a Client and Access Point.
November 2, 2017Zeroshell 3.8.1 has a more stable kernel that solves the problem of sporadic system crashes. Patches have been applied to the wireless system against the latest vulnerabilities of the WPA2 protocol implementation. Other fixes have been applied and in particular the VPN system is more reliable. Zeroshell 3.8.1 is available for both X86 architecture and ARM architecture.
7 July 2017Zeroshell 3.8.0 has a new Kernel and several Bugs and Security Fixes. The update to this release is recommended.
April 29th 2017Zeroshell 3.7.1A is the first release for ARM Architecture. At the moment only the following platforms are supported: Raspberry Pi 2/3, Orange Pi Zero, Orange Pi PC and Orange Pi Plus / Plus2.
January 20th 2017An exploit has been identified that allows the execution of unauthorized remote code. Several installations were already compromised. It has become urgent to upgrade to Zeroshell 3.7.1 which neutralises this security flaw. Any version prior to 3.7.1 is vulnerable.
January 5th 2017Zeroshell 3.7.0 has a new kernel with which some stability problems have been solved and performance improved. Many services including Captive Portal, VPN and Radius have been recompiled with the new OpenSSL 1.0.2 libraries. This was necessary because the old OpenSSL 0.9.8 are no longer supported and have different vulnerabilities. The compatibility of the Captive Portal and RADIUS server with new client devices has also been improved.
4 December 2016Ipt-netflow is available for Zeroshell 3.6.0 which allows you to export network traffic statistics to a NetFlow / IPFIX collector. ipt-netflow operates in Kernel mode, thus guaranteeing high performance.
October 20th 2016NTOPng is available for Zeroshell 3.3.2+. It allows you to view and analyze network connections by ordering them by busy bandwidth, exchanged traffic, application (L7 protocols) and more. For more information visit http://www.ntop.org
September 21st 2016A development environment is available for Zeroshell that allows you to install applications by compiling the sources. To be installed, it requires at least Zeroshell 3.3.2 and is available through the Package Manager. It can also be used to compile the Kernel or individual driver modules that best support your hardware.
4th of July 2016Zeroshell 3.6.0 solves some problems related to Captive Portal, VPNs and Net Balancer. The web interface of the Firewall and of the Traffic Shaping has been changed to support nDPI which will soon replace the L7 Filters as a Deep Packet Inspection system. Improved hardware support thanks to Kernel 4.4.13. In particular, Intel NICs on PCIe buses take advantage of this release.
3 March 2016Zeroshell 3.5.0 includes the new GLIBC 2.23 libraries that solve the vulnerability described by CVE-2015-7547 regarding previous versions that would allow, through specific responses of a DNS controlled by hackers, to take control of the system. Therefore, the upgrade is strongly recommended. This release includes Kernel 4.1.15 which guarantees better performance and lower latency with a significantly reduced Load Average.
January 10th 2016Kernel 4.1.15 is available. This Kernel guarantees better recognition and management of new hardware. It has been configured with some parameters concerning the frequency and the scheduling strategy that have made it more performing and with lower latency in the networking operations. Using this kernel you notice a significant decrease in system load.
2 December 2015PHP and MySQL are available for installation as an Add-On from the Repository.
2 October 2015Zeroshell 3.4.0 has a new kernel with improved recognition and support for next-generation hardware. Improved performance and fixed numerous bugs. Guaranteed Wireless connectivity for iPads and iPhones upgraded to the latest iOS 9 .
The update can be done online via the Package Manager without having to reinstall.
March 1, 2015With the new Kernel available in the repository it is now possible to create Virtual Machines hosted by Hypervisor XEN. This is a 64-bit Kernel and therefore it is not possible to create 32-bit virtual machines.
1 February 2015All Zeroshell releases up to 3.3.1 include a version of the GLIBC libraries that is vulnerable to possible buffer overflows. This vulnerability, called GHOST, could allow remote execution of unauthorized code. For these reasons, it is recommended to upgrade to Zeroshell 3.3.2 which includes the latest version of the GLIBC as well as several other fixes.
January 25th 2015Zeroshell 3.3.0 includes the Kernel 3.14.29, numerous Bug Fixes and some improvements of the Web interface. The CNTop utility has been integrated, which can now sort and display the hosts that consume more band as well as generate more connections. A problem with the Net Balancer Failover system has been corrected. Also this release has the 64 Bit Kernel which improves its performance and allows to use all the available RAM. Accessing the repository is possible to upgrade automatically from the 3.0.0 release.
20 January 2015A 64-bit Kernel is available that provides better performance for Kernel Mode processes such as Firewall, Routing, Bridging, Traffic Shaping, Layer 7 Filters and Network Address Translation (NAT).
January 5th 2015A new version of the CNTop utility for Zeroshell is available.
This release, allows to know in addition to the hosts that are generating the most connections, even the IP that are exchanging more data. Moreover, the reverse resolution from IP to hostname is available that allows to identify the hosts more easily and to quickly understand the type of traffic that occurs on its LAN.
IP filters, protocol and port number are applicable.
29 September 2014The new Zeroshell 3.2.0 release is now available.
It is imperative to upgrade to this new release because all the above are affected by a serious vulnerability caused by a Bash bug (CVE-2014-7186 vulnerability ShellShock). By exploiting this vulnerability, an unauthenticated user can execute arbitrary code from the web interface.
Many other bugs have been corrected.
September 14th 2014An incorrect configuration of the Connection Tracking prevented the Layer 7 Filters from working correctly. All releases starting from 2.0.RC1 to 3.1.0 present such a malfunction.To solve this problem install the BugFix Package 23102 on Zeroshell 3.1.0. This package also eliminates the limit of 100 Free Authorized Clients of the Captive Portal.
July 15, 2014The new Zeroshell 3.1.0 release is now available. With this release the stability of the system has improved and many bugs have been fixed. Among the new features, there are some important ones such as:
  • The Installation Manager that allows an installation easier and faster than before, starting from CD or USB Flash or using an existing installation.
  • Weighted Bonding that allows you to balance traffic on links with different speeds.
  • The Monitoring and Alerting system via e-Mail / SMS that monitors the occurrence of certain events such as the absence of a network. The list of events can be extended and the managers of customized events.
  • The CNTop utility that displays the IP addresses with the most TCP / UDP connections open at the same time. This can be used effectively to determine a host from which a DDoS attack is coming from or to its own network.
Among other things, the Captive Portal has been improved and now allows a greater number of users connected at the same time.
If the 3.0.0 release is already installed and access to the active repository, it is possible to upgrade to 3.1.0 automatically, without losing the configuration and with a few simple clicks. The package to be installed from the repository is 53100 which will take care of the migration with a minimum interruption of service due to the reboot. If you want to use the Installation Manager instead, remember that all data on the destination disk will be destroyed. It is therefore necessary to first make a backup of the profile and then the subsequent restoration on the new installation.
10 May 2014The new Monitoring and e-Mail / SMS Alerts Suite monitors some critical events that may occur. Each Event is assigned a level of severity on which the choice of recipients of Alert messages via e-mail and / or SMS is based. Severity levels are: Info, Warning, Critical and Emergency.
It is available as a New Feature for Zeroshell 3.0.0 and is essential for rapid intervention in resolving critical events in a production environment.
January 25, 2014The new Zeroshell on disk installation procedure is available, which allows greater speed and reliability than direct writing of the disk image with the dd or equivalent command.Moreover, the Install Manager automatically adapts the partition of the profiles to the size of the disk avoiding having to perform additional steps to expand the partition.
In a production environment, you should always choose the version of Zeroshell installed on disk because it is faster and more reliable than the Live CD version.
The details are at the URL: http://www.zeroshell.net/installation-manager/ .
January 13, 2014A new bonding mode available as New Feature for Zeroshell 3.0.0 has been implemented.
With the weighted bonding it is possible to distribute the traffic in proportion to the capacity of the interfaces forming part of the bond. Before the introduction of this feature, the distribution of traffic took place with a simple Round-Robin that treated the interfaces in a uniform manner regardless of the actual available bandwidth. The direct consequence of this was that one could benefit from bonding only if the aggregate lines had similar capacity. It could be seen that adding a 2Mbit / s ADSL line with a 7Mbit / s line was in a band close to only 4Mbit / s. Far from the desired result.
Now with Weighted Bonding, just assign to the first ADSL line a weight of 2 and the second one a weight of 7, to see an aggregate band very close to the sum of the two lines. It should be noted that in the example we have intentionally omitted, for simplicity, to specify that the bonding of WAN lines makes sense only through VPN bonding and therefore the weight must be assigned to the VPNs in layer 2.
January 2, 2014Zeroshell 3.0.0 includes substantial innovations including the automatic update system that automatically applies security and bug fixes and allows updating to new releases.Security has been improved and numerous bugs fixed. Charts no longer require the activation key. There are numerous Kernel optimized for different processors and a Kernel compiled with PAE (Physical Address Extension) that allows you to use more than 4GB of RAM.
7 August 2013With the 2.0.RC3 version of Zeroshell some security issues are corrected. In particular, DNS now caches and accepts recursive queries only for local networks if not configured otherwise. Lately DNS open completions have been targeted for DDoS attacks with consequent bandwidth consumption. For this reason the migration to 2.0.RC3 is strongly recommended.
No-IP has been added as a provider for dynamic DNS and the recognition of 3G USB modems has been improved. It is now possible to disable virus scanning of web pages resulting in improved transparent proxy performance on modest hardware.
Several Fixes have been applied to the Profile Backup / Restore procedure.
November 21st 2012Zeroshell 2.0.RC2 improves support for balancing and fault tolerance of multiple Internet connections. In particular, this release allows to maintain in Standby the PPPoE (xDSL) and UMTS / HSDPA connections, activating the PPP protocol only in the absence of connectivity from other accesses. These connections are again placed in Standby when the connectivity returns from the default accesses. Improved Failover with controls in Layer 2 as well as with ICMP. VPN Bonding for bandwidth aggregation and LAN-to-LAN failover updated. Fixed various bugs throughout the system. In particular, in the Captive Portal a problem was solved that caused blocking under high load conditions.
25 July 2012Zeroshell 2.0.RC1 has a new kernel (3.4.6) that allows better recognition of the latest hardware. The Wi-Fi section has been updated, which uses the ath9k kernel module to support the 802.11n standard (thanks to Arth for the contribution to update the wifi-manager). The atheling patch is included which allows you to use QoS and Net Balancer at the same time. In addition to OpenVPN, IPSec / L2TP, you can use PPTP as a VPN for users whose authentication can be delegated to an external RADIUS. Numerous bugs have been fixed throughout the system with particular regard to the Captive Portal.
September 10thVersion 1.0.beta16 corrects some problems of the Captive Portal that delay the opening of the authentication page on the browsers that perform checks through CRL or OCSP.The mechanism to restore the LDAP DB in case of corruption after a crash has been improved.
Support has been added for Shibboleth as a Service Provider that redirects the authentication of the Captive Portal to Identity Provider belonging to standalone or federated AAI.
July 15, 2011The new 1.0.beta15 release contains the RADIUS Accounting module that allows you to account for time, traffic and connection costs both for access points on the Access Point with WPA / WPA2 Enterprise and Captive Portal. You can set limits in traffic and time and manage prepaid rates. The Captive Portal has been enriched with new features such as protection against DoS attacks and the ability to disable the Popup window for access to the network on mobile devices.
January 16th 2011Zeroshell version 1.0.beta14 is available. Contains many bug fixes and web interface improvements. Many packages have been recompiled with a new compiler (gcc 4.5.2).Thanks to the elimination of some causes of segmentation fault, stability has improved.
2 July 2010The new 1.0.beta13 release from Zeroshell is now available, including: a preview of the accounting system for the accounting of time, traffic and connection cost per user;Bandwidthd that tracks the most bandwidth consuming hosts; a series of Bug Fixes.
May 9th 2010The Samba package for Zeroshell is available to manage Windows network resources. See the post http://www.zeroshell.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2209
May 9th 2010The NTFS-3G package for Zeroshell is available that allows you to mount NTFS filesystems in Read / Write. See the post http://www.zeroshell.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2210
October 18, 2009
The Snort 2.8.5 package is available that allows a Zeroshell router / bridge to act as an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and detect possible attacks / worms on its LAN. More details are available at the URL http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details/#DA12 .
June 14, 2009The Dansguardian patch has been updated to be compatible with Zeroshell's 1.0.beta12 release.
Further details are available at the URL http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details/#BA12 .
May 26th, 2009The 1.0.beta12 release is available. This release increases the stability and security of the system.
6 April 2009Statistical graphs with MRTG related to network traffic (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, VLAN, PPPoE, 3G and VPN), system load, traffic shaping and gateway load balancing are available by installing the update http: //www.zeroshell. net / patch-details / # C110
9 February 2009The update is available http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details/#C105 which enables Dynamic DNS to manage the tracking of dynamic IPs for OpenDNS. Further details are available at the URL http://www.zeroshell.net/opendns
January 11, 2009Security Bug - All releases up to 1.0.beta11 (included) are affected by a serious security problem that allows the execution of unauthenticated remote code.
Update the system to 1.0.beta11 and apply the patch http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details/#C100 .
December 16th 2008Support for Multilink PPP
November 7, 2008The Asterisk VoIP PBX is available as an external package. More details are available at the URL http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details/#C000
October 12, 2008The 1.0.beta11 release of Zeroshell is available. The main innovation is the Net Balancer which allows to configure the Load Balancing and the Failover of Internet connections (ADSL, UMTS / HSDPA, ...). Support for VPN aggregation has been improved, which increases bandwidth and stability of Layer 2 links between remote sites. With this release we have support for 3G modems that allows Zeroshell to perform the task of UMTS / HSDPA routers. A problem of stability of the web proxy with antivirus has been solved and the overall stability of the system has been improved.
June 29, 2008Zeroshell version 1.0.beta10 is available. It contains a more updated kernel capable of handling recent hardware and, starting from this release, the boot can also take place from HD / CDROM SATA and USB. For IDE disks, it is no longer necessary for them to be configured as Primary Master. Bugs have been fixed and support for Host-to-LAN VPNs with OpenVPN and startup scripts has been improved.
April 28th 2008The pre-configured DansGuardian package is available, which cooperates with the transparent proxy service to filter out unwanted web traffic. The default configuration denies access to web pages containing adult-only material. More details are available at the URL http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details#AA00 .
April 20, 2008A patch has been released to resolve proxy stability issues. More details are available at the URL http://www.zeroshell.net/patch-details#A500 .
March 30th 2008Released an image of Zeroshell 1.0.beta9 able to boot from a USB disk. The minimum size of the USB device is 1 GByte. It is compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 and in particular on the latter has shown a speed of bootstrap much greater than the ISO version.
March 15th 2008Zeroshell 1.0.beta9 is available. With this release is available a transparent Web Proxy (HAVP) with ClamAV antivirus that scans web pages by blocking Virus and Worm. It is also possible to manage Blacklist and Whitelist to prevent the display of some URLs.
The Captive Portal now contains a flag that allows you to disable SSL in cases where it is not required. This allows to eliminate the warning messages regarding the digital certificates that can not be verified during user authentication.
The order in which the QoS classifier rules are evaluated has changed and Apache and OpenSSL have been updated because they were vulnerable as evidenced by Nessus.
January 20, 2008Zeroshell 1.0.beta8 is available. The main novelty is the support for WiFi that allows, to a Zeroshell box, to perform the function of Access Point with support for Multi-SSID and different types of security including WPA-PSK, WPA-EAP with Radius and WEP. In particular, multiple SSIDs can be configured both in bridges with each other and with 802.1q VLANs. Simultaneous management of multiple WiFi cards is supported on which it is possible to define SSID in load balancing. Several bugs have been fixed and in particular the Captive Portal and VPNs have been significantly improved from a security point of view. In addition, from this release the network interfaces can be configured to dynamically acquire IP addresses using a DHCP.
06 December 2007The Kerberos tutorial http://www.zeroshell.net/kerberos/ is now available at the URL http://www.kerberos.org/software/tutorial.html as an official tutorial from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kerberos Consortium. Zeroshell authentication is based on Kerberos 5.
November 28, 2007The ALIX.2C2 mini computer with 256MB of RAM, AMD Geode LX CPU 500MHz processor and MiniPCI expansion slot was tested with Zeroshell's WRAP CompactFlash. It is impressive the increase in performance that is achieved compared to WRAP with this new embedded platform for network appliances.
November 25th 2007A patch is available to be applied to the 1.0.beta7 release of Zeroshell that enables EAP-TTLS authentication instead of PAP for the Captive Portal users authenticated via RADIUS. EAP-TTLS, using TLS encrypted tunnels, helps to increase the confidentiality of user credentials when using RADIUS instead of Kerberos 5 which is already intrinsically safe. For more details click here .
November 4, 2007In the download section there is a package that adds Wi-Fi support to Zeroshell. Both the Client Station mode with which a Zeroshell box can be associated to a Wireless network, and the AP mode with which the actual Access Point functionality is obtained is supported. At the moment WiFi network cards (miniPCI, PCI) with Atheros Chipset are supported and can be used with the modules distributed by http://madwifi.org . For further details read the post http://www.zeroshell.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=482 .
6 October 2007A VMWare Virtual Machine with a pre-installed Zeroshell is available in the download section. The purpose of this version is to facilitate Zeroshell testing without investing in specific hardware, but it can also be used in the production environment. The Zeroshell Virtual Appliance has been tested with VMWare Player, VMWare Workstation and VMWare Server.
September 16th 2007The 1.0.beta7 release is available. In addition to a number of Bug Fixes, this release introduces the ability to create Host-to-LAN VPNs using OpenVPN. This type of VPN, supported by most operating systems (Linux, Solaris, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows), supports the L2TP / IPSec VPNs that have often proved not easy to configure on the client side. With OpenVPN, ZeroShell can authenticate VPN connections with X.509 Digital Certificates, Kerberos 5 (thus also Active Directory) and RADIUS.
A configuration file for OpenVPN clients is available in the download section.
11 September 2007ZeroShell has become a dynamic DynDNS Dynamic DNS client. Visit this page for more details.
August 22nd 2007The 1.0.beta6 release of ZeroShell is available at URL http://www.zeroshell.net/download/ . The main variants have been introduced in the Captive Portal which, in addition to Kerberos 5 authentication, now also accepts RADIUS authentication and X.509 digital certificates. This allows the use of Smart Cards for authentication with Captive Portal.
This release includes the Watcher Daemon, which is a process that verifies the correct operation of the services (LDAP, DNS, Kerberos, RADIUS, DHCP, ssh) and in case of a crash it restarts the process. FreeRadius has been updated with a version compatible with the Windows Vista 802.1x / PEAP supplicant.
02 July 2007There is a bug in version 1.0.beta5 of ZeroShell due to which the VoIP connections made with SIP protocol may not work properly. In this case, add the command modprobe -r ip_nat_sip in the startup script from the [Setup] -> [Startup] section.
June 27th 2007The 1.0.beta5 release of ZeroShell is available at URL http://www.zeroshell.net/download/ . Contains many Bug Fixes and new features. The main novelty is the presence of the Connection Tracking Logger, which allows, if activated in the Firewall, to keep track of connections by sending logs, for each connection, the Protocol, the IP source address, the Source Port, the IP address of Destination and Destination Port.
April 4, 2007Due to a BUG, ​​the Username and Password of users accessing via Captive Portal remain in the History of the browser. The captive portal should therefore not be used in public places where multiple people access the same browser profile. This behavior will be corrected in the 1.0.beta5 release.
February 18th 2007The 1.0.beta4 release of Zeroshell has been released. The l7-filter filters were introduced to classify the traffic by inspecting the contents of the packages at the application level.This is useful for applying QoS for protocols that can not be classified by filters on IP addresses and TCP / UDP ports such as the H323 and SIP VoIP protocols.
January 28, 2007The 1.0.beta3 release of Zeroshell has been released. The main novelty of this release is the management of QoS (Quality of Service) that allows to model traffic on a congested network thanks to the assignment of the Priority, the Guaranteed Band and the Maximum Band to the traffic classes. It has also been introduced, within the Firewall and the QoS classifier, the possibility to control traffic such as P2P File Sharing through the IPP2P module of iptables and connection tracking.
November 7th 2006After several requests I added support for the WRAP (Wireless Router Application Platform) board. These small, cost-effective computers for network appliances require a custom CompactFlash image.
November 2, 2006At URL http://www.zeroshell.net/forum/ there are forums dedicated to ZeroShell, networks in general, Linux and the network and embedded devices oriented to network services.
October 25, 2006The 1.0.beta2 version for Compact Flash is available.
September 24th 2006ZeroShell 1.0.beta2 is available for download in the ISO image format.
June 29th 2006The version for Compact Flash is available.
June 25, 2006ZeroShell 1.0.beta1 is available for download in the ISO image format. The Compact Flash version and C ++ sources will be available soon.

I currently use the network load balancing function of Zeroshell with two ADSL balanced connections of different ISPs and different speeds.
On two other Zeroshell I use  a VPN LAN-to-LAN to easily connect a company that has two offices located in different cities using their ADSL connection.

Here are some of the most important features: 

- Balancing and Failover of multiple connections to the Internet; 
- UMTS / HSDPA 3G modem; 
- RADIUS Server 
- Captive Portal 
- Management of QoS (Quality of Service) 
- HTTP Proxy with ClamAV open source antivirus 
- Support for the functionality of the Wireless Access Point Multi SSID using WiFi network cards based on Atheros chipsets. 
- VPN LAN-to-host protocol L2TP/IPsec 
- VPN LAN-to-LAN with Ethernet encapsulation of SSL / TLS tunnel, 
- Router with static and dynamic 
- 802.1d bridge with Spanning Tree 
- Firewall Packet Filter and Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) 
- Control through Firewall and QoS classification of traffic type P2P file sharing; 
- NAT (Network Address Translation) 
- TCP / UDP port forwarding (PAT) to create Virtual Server 
- Multizone DNS server with automatic management of the Reverse Resolution in-addr.arpa
- Multi subnet DHCP server with the ability to assign IP address based on MAC address of the applicant; 
- 802.1Q Virtual LAN (tagged VLAN) applicable on Ethernet interfaces on LAN-to-LAN VPN, VPN and bonding on the bridge consisting of Ethernet interfaces, VPN, VPN and bonds; 
- PPPoE client to connect to the WAN via ADSL, DSL and cable 
- Dynamic DNS client used to easily reach even when the WAN IP is dynamic. 
- Client Server and NTP (Network Time Protocol); 
- Syslog server for receiving and cataloging the system logs produced by the remote hosts including Unix systems, routers, switches, Wi-Fi access points, network printers and others compatible with the syslog protocol; 
- Kerberos 5 authentication using an integrated KDC and cross-domain authentication; 
- Authorization LDAP, NIS and RADIUS; 
- X.509 Certificate Authority for issuing and managing electronic certificates; 
- Integration between Unix and Windows Active Directory on a single system of authentication and authorization using LDAP and Kerberos 5 cross realm authentication.